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Mexican journalists denounce violence against communicators in series of profiles on murdered and missing colleagues

In Mexico, killing a journalist is like "killing nobody.” This is demonstrated by the high levels of...

November 21, 2018

Mexican government approves emergency budget for protection mechanism for journalists through end of 2018

The outgoing government of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto has assigned 75 million Mexican pesos...

September 21, 2018

Mexican association demands new government recognize humanitarian crisis of media professionals displaced by violence

The association Periodistas Desplazados Mexico (Displaced Journalists Mexico) is asking the new government...

September 5, 2018

Election day in Mexico keeps organizations busy monitoring attacks on journalists, including intimidation and theft

Mexico held historic elections on July 1 with a landslide victory from Andrés Manuel López Obrador....

July 3, 2018

Media collaboration and citizen input fueled Verificado 2018's fact-checking of Mexican elections

Verificado 2018, a collaborative journalism project from news site Animal Político and AJ + Español...

July 3, 2018

Newspaper correspondent and radio host killed within 24 hours in Oaxaca, Mexico

Attention is on the Mexican state of Oaxaca after two media workers were killed there this past weekend. Marcos Hernández Bautista,...

January 25, 2016

Social networks organize to find missing Mexican blogger "El 5anto"

Contributors to the Mexican blog "El 5antuario" (The Sanctuary) released a YouTube video and an online...

September 17, 2012

Attacks against the Mexican press increase as presidential election approaches

Journalistic organizations in Mexico say that journalists are working in an especially hostile environment...

June 29, 2012

The Guardian reveals Mexican TV station's information manipulation to favor presidential candidate

The British newspaper The Guardian said it had documents that proved that a Mexican presidential candidate...

June 9, 2012

Social networks, digital media revolutionize Mexican electoral coverage

Heading towards the Mexican presidential elections on July 1, voting surveys are done on Facebook; candidates...

May 29, 2012