
Prêmio criado para reconhecer obras de não ficção de autoras latino-americanas

  • Fonte: UDP
  • 25 Maio, 2022

"Aware of the importance of good journalism for society and especially for the strength of democracy, the Diego Portales University (UDP, by its Spanish acronym), in Chile, has created the Premio Cátedra Mujeres y Medios award. This award hopes to make visible the extensive journalistic work of generations of women and thus build a platform where contributions can be recognized that are carried out in [Latin American countries] and not always circulate throughout the continent,' Cecilia García Huidobro, award coordinator, said.

The prize will consist of the sum of US $4,000 for the winning work [in Spanish], which will be chosen by a jury made up of prominent national and international journalists. The call is now open and will close on Aug. 20. Guidelines and submissions are available at this link."

Autoras latinoamericanas pueden postular

Read the complete call for submissions (in Spanish)