
News host in Dominican Republic quits when station refuses to air video of politician's bodyguard shoving a journalist

A TV news host in the Dominican Republic quit the station where he worked, live on the air, after station executives refused to air a video showing a politician's bodyguard shove a reporter, according to the newspaper Diario Libre.

The news host, Gilbert Guzmán, of Noticiarios SIN, said the video, which shows a bodyguard for presidential candidate Hipólito Mejía, of the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD in Spanish), pushing an insistent reporter, was hidden in order to prevent Mejía from looking bad, according to the newspaper Listín Diario.

The president and press director for Noticias SIN said the video was not aired because it was not considered newsworthy.

Guzmán said that the presidential candidate's spokesman told him that he did not want the video to air, according to the news site Xtra Digital.

Columnist María Victoria Ureña said the spokesperson had hampered the work of another reporter during an event with the same candidate, which "reveals that...the journalist who dares to ask (the candidate) a question will be exposed to abuse and harassment by the campaign team."