
IAPA on World Press Freedom Day: The overall assessment is 'not very encouraging'

  • Source: EFE
  • May 2, 2023

"The 'loss of democratic spaces' in the Americas and the 'precarious situation of sustainability and viability' of the media in the region mark World Press Freedom Day, which is celebrated on May 3, according to a message released Tuesday [May 2] by Michael Greenspon, president of the Inter American Press Association (IAPA).

According to Greenspon and based on the reports on press freedom in the region, approved at the IAPA's semi-annual meeting that concluded last Thursday [April 27], 'the overall assessment is not very encouraging.'

'Our country-by-country reports recorded hundreds of attacks against journalists, due in many cases to the climate of general public insecurity, to police imperfection during the coverage of public demonstrations, and also due to the advance of drug trafficking in countries such as Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Haiti, Mexico, and Paraguay,' he said."

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