
Alleged attacker of Mexican journalist Federico Hans sentenced to pretrial detention

“The Attorney General's Office of the State of Sonora [Mexico] reported that Jesús Eduardo 'N', also known as ‘El Chino Cuajo,’ 22, was sentenced to pretrial detention in the attack against journalist Federico Hans Hagelsieb Vanegas, which took place on July 17 outside the journalist's home in [the city of] Caborca.

In a press release, the institution stated that the accused was sentenced to justified pretrial detention, and that the judge set a period of two months for the completion of the complementary investigation.


'El Chino Cuajo' was arrested last July 17 during a police operation. He was found in possession of four firearms: one short gun and three long ones, including a .223 caliber machine gun that, according to ballistic expert evidence, is the same that was used in the attack the journalist survived.”

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