
Peruvian entertainment TV presenter says that journalists on her team received death threats

Peruvian TV presenter Magaly Medina said on her program “Magaly TV, la Firme” that two of its reporters, identified as Nataly Julca and Gianfranco Pérez, received death threats after covering an encounter between Christian Cueva, player of the Peruvian National Soccer Team, and singer Pamela Franco.

According to the newspaper El Comercio, Julca received intimidating messages via WhatsApp in the early morning of Thursday, Aug. 15, in which she was asked not to broadcast any more reports about Cueva and his alleged relationship with Franco. Subsequently, Pérez received text messages in which individuals who identified themselves as members of the criminal gang “La Coalición” threatened to kill him if he didn't stop reporting on the two, the media outlet said.

El Comercio reported that the soccer player had previously been accused of having links to criminal gangs.

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