
IPYS suffers cyberattack during presentation of its report on judicial harassment against journalists in Peru

  • Source: IPYS
  • August 23, 2024

"On Aug. 23, 2024, IPYS' online presentation of its report on the criminalization of journalists as a way to intimidate the press that investigates power was attacked by trolls who managed to shut down the event.

The event was taking place normally until the presentation of [journalist Rosario] Romaní, who told about the judicial harassment she has suffered for more than ten years from the regional governor of Ayacucho, Wilfredo Oscorima, and his allies. Romaní was presenting her case when images of violent and pornographic content began to be projected. The meeting administrator was not able to block them. The images and videos were accompanied by screams and gasps at very high volumes that prevented the journalist from being heard. Unable to block the attack, IPYS decided to cancel the event."

Read original statement (in Spanish)