
Human rights commission files suit over impunity in Nicaraguan journalist's death

"On July 4, 2024, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, or IACHR, filed Case 14.746 against Nicaragua with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. The case concerns the extrajudicial execution of journalist Ángel Eduardo Gahona López by state agents and the ongoing impunity surrounding the crime.

On April 21, 2018, journalist Ángel Gahona López was covering clashes between protesters and police during a demonstration at Bluefields when he was fatally shot. Although he received assistance from civilians, witnesses reported that the National Police Force failed to provide any aid. Gahona died in hospital a short time later. Two young men, Brandon Lovo and Glen Slate, were convicted of his murder but were released in 2019 under an amnesty law.

The IACHR found that evidence pointed to a state agent as being responsible for the shot that killed Gahona. It also determined that his murder was linked to his work as a journalist, as he was reporting live on antigovernment protests at the time of his death. The IACHR also noted that Gahona had previously received threats relating to his coverage of matters of significant public interest."

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