
At least 278 Nicaraguan journalists have been forced into exile since 2018, according to report

"The report on violations of press freedom in Nicaragua, corresponding to the months of July, August and September 2024, prepared by the Foundation for Freedom of Expression and Democracy (FLED, for its initials in Spanish), reveals that in this quarter, around 15 journalists were forced into exile due to censorship and harassment in the country.

'According to our database, from April 2018 to date, the number of exiled journalists, photographers and other media workers amounts to approximately 278,' the document said. The report documented 30 cases of press freedom violations during this quarter. Of the total victims, 80% (24 people) are people and 20% (6 cases) are legal entities.

It also shows that the department of León, located in the west of the country, has been added to the list of departments where independent journalism is no longer practiced, raising the number of departments under total censorship to 9. 'This means that in 53% of the country, censorship and the official media have occupied the entire informative space. The other affected areas include Carazo, Chontales, Jinotega, Madriz, Nueva Segovia, Granada and the regions of the North and South Caribbean Coast,' the report said."

Read original release (in Spanish)