Journalists, media organizations and freedom of expression advocates from El Salvador, Cuba, Argentina, Mexico and Ecuador were included on the long list of candidates for the Index on Censorship’s 2016 Freedom of Expression Awards announced on Dec. 16.
The protagonists during Venezuela's Dec. 6 parliamentary elections were new digital platforms and social networks that became the principal vehicles through which media, nonprofit organizations and citizens received and provided information.
Despite low percentages of women in news reporting and presenting, Latin America has seen the most significant progress for gender equality in that field compared to other countries, according to a study of representation of women in the media around the world.
A number of Mexican journalists, newspapers and media outlets recently sent a formal declaration to the government of Veracruz denouncing alleged police violence against journalists while they were covering teacher protests on Nov. 21 and 22.
GlobalGirl Media (GGM), a U.S.-based organization dedicated to the empowerment of young women through the media, is fundraising for a new initiative in São Paulo, Brazil. The program focuses on the links between sexuality and technology and aims to provide girls with a channel for voicing their opinions through journalism and other media.
Today, UNESCO hosts the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists (IDEI), aiming to prompt governments around the world to take stronger actions towards condemning and prosecuting those who commit crimes against journalists. Press advocates explain that the death of journalists is not only an industry-related problem but a threat to democratic society as a whole.
Agents of the Venezuelan national police agency in charge of criminal investigations (known by its Spanish acronym CICPC) detained and physically and verbally abused two journalists as they tried to cover the transfer of prisoners from high security on June 19, according to local news agencies and press watchdogs.
Cuban journalist Elaine Diaz has strategized a way to distribute independent news content to the masses in Cuba, a place where reaching a diverse audience is difficult due to limited accessibility to the Internet and restrictions on content.
The Attorney General of Colombia, Eduardo Montealegre, ordered the recapture of former paramilitary Alejandro Cárdenas Orozco, alias 'JJ', linked to the kidnapping, torture and rape of journalist Jineth Bedoya Lima, reported Semana.
The media and Latin American journalists are starting to experience firsthand what until recently seemed to be the exclusive concern of US, European or Asian media outlets: cyberattacks.