
ICFJ opens nominations for the 2019 Knight International Journalism Awards


*This story has been updated with a new nomination deadline.

The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) put out a call for nominations for the 2019 Knight International Journalism Awards.

The organization is looking for reporters, editors, technologits, media managers, citizen journalists or bloggers “whose pioneering coverage or media innovations have made an impact on the lives of people in their countries or regions.”

The award is supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The deadline for nominations is March 1, 2019.

Winners will receive the award at the ICFJ Awards Dinner in Washington D.C. in November 2019.

The recipients for the 2018 Knight Awards were Marisa Ressa, CEO and executive editor of the site Rappler in the Philippines, and Joseph Poliszuk, editor-in-chief of Venezuelan site Armando.info.

As pointed out by ICFJ, “both persist in their truth telling, despite harsh threats and lawsuits aimed at forcing them out of business.”

Other past winners from Latin America or the Caribbean include Aristegui Noticias of Mexico (2016); Yoani Sánchez of Cuba (2015); Alejandra Xanic von Bertrab Wilhelm of Mexico (2014); Mexican journalists Rocío Idalia Gallegos Rodríguez and Sandra Rodríguez Nieto (2011); and Daniela Arbex of Brazil (2010).