In the age of digital journalism, small and medium-sized newsrooms have struggled to adjust to new systems, such as CMS, the content management system used to publish work. Open-source platforms like Newspack, launched in 2019 under Automattic with funding from the Google News Initiative, aim to address this issue.
In the third panel on the opening day of the 24th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), writers and opinion editors from the Miami Herald, Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle and the New York Times discuss the editorial process and the future of these op-ed sections.
Five peer-reviewed research papers were selected for the Spring 2023 #ISOJ Journal and the authors were invited to present their findings at the 24th International Symposium on Online Journalism conference April 14.
Reporter and founder of The Self Investigation, a foundation aimed at improving the mental health of journalists globally, Mar Cabra spoke about the rising rates of anxiety and depression in the media and what newsrooms can do to combat it.
During an ISOJ 2023 keynote, Yusuf Omar described how the future of journalism is in the palm of our hands–and in our faces. Explaining how his video publishing company,, became a journalism training ground for a 7 million subscriber news service, Omar said that as more people and brands engage with Augmented Reality interfaces, so, too, will news organizations.
Glenn Kessler, chief fact checker at the Washington Post, Khaya Himmelman, a political misinformation reporter, Bill Adair, the founder of PolitiFact and Sérgio Dávila, editor-in-chief of Brazillian newspaper Folha de S.Paulo spoke on a panel about fact checking and misinformation in hyperpolarized times moderated by Anya Schiffrin of Columbia University.
News creators gathered for a lunch workshop hosted by YouTube called “Shorts for journalists: How to optimize your news experience and tell your stories on YouTube Shorts” on the first day of the 24th ISOJ. YouTube Shorts are “snackable” videos that are 60 seconds or less in length and are meant to draw first-time viewers of a particular channel or full-length YouTube video.
Instead of worrying of being replaced by AI generative tools such as ChatGPT, journalists should be experimenting and exploring what that technology enables them to do better in their jobs, said AI experts during the panel “How can journalism incorporate AI, including generative tools like ChatGPT and Bard, to improve production and distribution of news?”, on the first day of ISOJ 2023.
Janelle Rodriguez, executive vice president of programming at NBC News, and David Ryfe, director of the School of Journalism and Media at the University of Texas at Austin, discussed challenges and opportunities facing network TV in the age of streaming and artificial intelligence.
View the full program for ISOJ 2023, an annual conference organized by the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas that has analyzed the impact of the digital revolution on journalism for nearly a quarter of a century. In-person registration sells out fast, so be sure to reserve your spot today. We will also include simultaneous interpretation to Spanish.
The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas has opened registration for the 24th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), which is taking place on April 14 and 15, 2023, at the University of Texas at Austin. A preliminary list of speakers is now available and more will be added soon. The full program will be published shortly.
The International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) officially launched its callfor original research in online journalism to be considered for the 2023 conference and the #ISOJ Journal.