
Advisory council demands clarification concerning protection of journalist killed in Mexico

The Advisory Council of the Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists of Mexico issued a release regarding the Aug. 4 murder of Alejandro Martínez Noguez, who was under police escort. The council demanded investigation into the security breach.

"Although there are public statements from state authorities indicating that Martínez Noguez directly requested escorts from the municipal police of Celaya, and that this corporation decided to assign a patrol identified as traffic police, both the State Council and the Federal Mechanism are responsible for supervising the application of measures," the council said.

The council recalled that, in November 2022, Alejandro had been the victim of an armed attack in Celaya.

The release refers to a statement by the governor of Guajanuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, on Aug. 5, in which he said that it was the journalist himself who "requested municipal traffic patrols; there were many options (...) and he said he especially trusted this group."


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