
Argentine organizations warn IACHR about regressive measures in terms of media concentration

“Various organizations in the communication sector and the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS, for its acronym in Spanish) expressed concern in a letter to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (RELE), about decisions of the current government of Javier Milei that lead to greater business concentration of the country's media system (which is already concentrated) and to the reduction of media pluralism and diversity. They assure that 'specific lines for vulnerable sectors' such as community media have been declared removed from public use or service.

The complaint details other measures that they consider affect the right to access to information and freedom of expression, such as the reorganization process carried out in the State's television and radio signal system, where the content of social networks and websites of Televisión Pública, Radio Nacional, interior stations and Paka Paka, among others, were suspended.”

Read original article (in Spanish)