
Brazil: Journalist Rogério Florentino faces criminal charges for story

  • Source: Abraji
  • February 2, 2023

"Journalist Rogério Florentino, from Cuiabá (capital of the state of Mato Grosso), is being targeted by abusive legal actions intended to harm the work of the press. Florentino is facing a criminal complaint filed by businessman Pedro Eugenio Gomes Procópio da Silva, owner of two mining companies operating in the city, Ofir Intermediações de Cuiabá Ltda and Fênix DTVM.

The businessman filed a criminal complaint following the story 'Governador estuda fechar acordo com empresário investigado pela PF' (Governor contemplates closing a deal with a businessman investigated by the Federal Police), published by Florentino on his website Conexão MT. Procopio's defense alleges the title and text of the article are libelous and caused him moral damage, by stating that he would be investigated by the Federal Police. The plaintiff is demanding that the journalist be sentenced to criminal penalties for the crime of aggravated libel, for having been committed against several people, in addition to fixing an amount as compensation for moral damages."

Read original story (in Portuguese)