
Brazilian public communication company's employees denounce 64 cases of censorship by the Bolsonaro government

  • Source: Veja
  • September 1, 2022

"A committee of Empresa Brasileira de Comunicação (EBC, by its Portuguese acronym) employees released on Tues. Aug. 30th a report that points out that this public communication company has been the target of editorial interference and censorship by the government of Jair Bolsonaro. According to the report, from August last year to July this year, there were at least 228 cases of governmental interference and 64 episodes of censorship.

According to the officials, the preferred targets of censorship are reports on topics such as human rights, Indigenous issues, conflicts in the countryside, dictatorship, and 'any subject that requires government positioning. EBC tends to cancel stories when government agencies don’t respond to reporters’ queries,' the report stated."

Read original story (in Portuguese)