
Brazil's Agência Pública claims to be victim of disinformation campaign after report on congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro

“[Investigative journalism organization] Agência Pública has been targeted by a disinformation campaign allegedly led by federal congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro and other allies since it published the report ‘U.S. Republicans and Bolsonaro's son collaborate to punish Brazil on allegations regarding free speech,’ on April 11, 2024.


After publication, Eduardo Bolsonaro and former anchor of [far-right media conglomerate] Jovem Pan, Paulo Figueiredo, accused Agência Pública of being 'the media outlet of [businessman and philanthropist] George Soros.' They proceeded to expose our reporter, quoting her name and inciting their online audience. Paulo Figueiredo also offended our reporter.

On May 8, Eduardo Bolsonaro again attacked Pública's reputation, making erroneous claims about the report and, more seriously, accusing us of being part of a fanciful conspiracy that would include the Federal Police and the president of the Supreme Court, Judge Luís Roberto Barroso.”

Read original article (in Portuguese)