
Change the story of women in Latin America with constructive journalism through projects such as #CambiaLaHistoria

  • Source: DW
  • March 8, 2022

"One in four girls in Mexico experiences sexual violence before the age of 18, one in five Mexican women between the ages of 15 and 17 drops out of school because they are pregnant, and 32% of Guatemalan women cannot read or write. The violence suffered by women in Mexico and Central America has many faces and the most visible violence, such as femicides, are only the tip of the iceberg.


Narrating this violence in such a way that the causes are analyzed and portrayed and, at the same time, solutions are provided, continues to be a challenge rarely taken up by the conventional media. A constructive journalism that inspires, portrays formulas for improvement and does not remain stuck in despair, that is the essence of the #ChangeHistory project. To change history, stories told must also change.

Read the original article (in Spanish)