
Colombian authorities make arrests in murder of journalist and former congressman

“The Colombian Attorney General's Office confirmed the arrest of four individuals suspected of participating in the planning and murder of journalist and former representative to the Chamber [of Representatives of Colombia], Óscar Gómez Agudelo, perpetrated in the city of Armenia, [department of] Quindío.


The investigation conducted by the Attorney General's Office determined one of those implicated had contacted and hired the other two involved to carry out an attempt on Gómez Agudelo's life, and had even given them precise information on the victim's different movements and routines so they could carry out their plan without any setbacks.

At the same time, investigations show that a stolen motorcycle was obtained to mobilize the assassins responsible for shooting the Gómez Agudelo, minutes before entering his workplace in a recognized radio station located in the central area of Armenia, called ‘Rumba del Café,’ where he broadcast his program 'La Comunidad por la Comunidad.'”

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