
Conditional release granted to Venezuelan journalist detained in Amazon

  • Source: EFE
  • September 22, 2023

"The National Association of Press Workers (SNTP, for its acronym in Spanish), reported this Thursday [Sept. 21] that Venezuelan journalist Luis Alejandro Acosta, detained on Sept. 8 in the Yapacana national park, located in the state of Amazonas, was granted conditional release by decision of a court in that border region with Colombia and Brazil.


The journalist had been in the area 'for several months' covering the operations undertaken by the National Bolivarian Armed Forces (FANB) to combat illegal mining. According to the association, the Prosecutor's Office, which has not commented on the matter, charged the journalist with the crimes of 'exercising illegal mining in the form of promotion and incitement, occupation of protected areas and incitement to commit a crime.'"

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