
Congresso em Foco news site withdraws interview of former wife of Brazil's congressman, following a court order

"Judge Jayder Ramos de Araújo, of the 10th Civil Court of Brasilia, ordered the removal of an interview with Julyenne Lins Rocha, ex-wife of the House of Representatives president, Congressman Arthur Lira, by [news website] Congresso em Foco. The decision, which was issued as a preliminary injunction, was in response to a request by Lira himself, who filed a lawsuit for moral damages against Jullyenne and the UOL portal, a commercial partner and hosting provider of the news website. The portal published the interview on its homepage on June 25, 2023.

Congresso em Foco deleted the text from its page, as well as the posts on social media related to the subject, as soon as it became aware of the court decision. The decision provided for daily payment of a fine in case of non-compliance. Also due to the court order, the portal withdrew an article on statements given by Jullyene to the journalism organization Agência Pública, published on June 21."

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