
Cuba: Imprisoned journalist Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca is in critical condition, his wife said

"Independent journalist and political prisoner Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca was admitted to the Combinado del Este hospital, in Havana, due to his serious health condition.


[His wife Eralidis] Frómeta visited him a few days earlier in prison and said the journalist had 'something similar to tumors' in his head, with a secretion discharge.

'We demand they specifically say what caused the infection he got inside the prison. My husband is 61 years old, he never before got sick, he never had a headache. I never saw him with a fever, in bed or complaining of pain in all the years I've been with him. In the almost two years he's been imprisoned by the Cuban dictatorship, he's been facing an unbelievable series of health problems,' Frómeta said."

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