“Cuban independent journalist Henry Constantín Ferreiro was released on Thursday [Dec. 26], in Havana, sources close to the journalist confirmed to Martí Noticias.
'At approximately 11:30 a.m. this morning he contacted the press and gave us the excellent news that he was already on his way to the house where he is staying and that he was already free,' said Iris Mariño, deputy director of the portal La Hora de Cuba, founded and directed by Constantín Ferreiro.
The journalist, originally from Camagüey, was arrested on Dec. 19 in Havana and detained in [the detention center known as] El Vivac, in the capital's Arroyo Naranjo municipality.
The arrest that occurred on Thursday [Dec. 19] was carried out by two State Security agents, who alleged that the 40-year-old journalist had violated an alleged legal control that prevents his stay in Havana, the publication added.”