
Denial of information requests for being “generic” reaches record with Jair Bolsonaro

“A survey regarding the open records request made via the Access Law and which were denied - carried out by Transparência Brasil at the request of Painel [a column in the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper] - shows that the argument that the request is 'generic' to not grant data has turned into an increasing trend and has reached its highest level in [Jair] Bolsonaro's administration.

In this first semester, 1,116 records requests were denied for being generic, which represents 20% of the denials. In 2019, during the same time, this justification was also the leading response, with 1,068 cases (21%). The increase is more evidence if compared with the same time period of prior years. In 2018, there were 757 denials (15%), compared to 609 (15%) in 2017 and 525 (12.5%) in 2016."

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