
Gender violence against journalists in Brazil totaled 119 cases in 2021, according to report

  • Source: Abraji
  • January 26, 2022

"During 2021, 89 journalists and media outlets were the target of 119 gender-related attacks related to their profession, which represents almost 10 cases of aggression, abuse, threats and intimidation per month. As a result of monitoring gender-based violence against journalists, carried out by the Associação Brasileira de Jornalismo Investigativo (Abraji), the data includes attacks involving gender-identity, sexuality, sexual orientation, appearance and sexist stereotypes, as well as episodes of aggression against women communicators -cis or trans- in general.

Some of the information obtained from this monitoring is available on the project's online platform. It contains statistics on victims, aggressors and types of violence committed against media professionals and media outlets with feminist views. The website was updated in January of this year, with totals for the full year 2021. The monitoring is sponsored by UNESCO."

Read the original article (in Portuguese)