
Haitian press leaves behind less deadly year, but remains in grave danger

  • Source: IAPA
  • January 19, 2024

"Journalist murders decreased in Haiti in 2023 compared to the previous year, but the local press continued to be a victim of crimes, kidnappings, and multiple threats due to high levels of instability and violence prevailing in the country.

The absence of guarantees, the lack of minimum safety conditions, and the high degree of impunity throughout Haiti marked a dark year for the press, which remained committed to its work despite the serious dangers it faces.

Journalists Paul Jean Marie from Radio Lumière (May 5), Ricot Jean from Radio-Télé Évolution Inter (April 25), and Dumesky Kersaint from Radio Télé Inurep (April 18) were murdered in the northern town of Saint-Marc and on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti. No one was arrested for these crimes."


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