
International fund announces million-dollar investment to support media outlets in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador

The International Fund for the Public Interest Media (IFPIM) announced an investment of US $1.9 million to support five journalism organizations in Latin America, bringing its total investment in the region to nearly US $5 million since 2022.

The new beneficiaries are media outlets GK (Ecuador), Agência Pública (Brazil) and Chequeado (Argentina), as well as journalism support organizations Asociación de Entidades Periodísticas Argentinas (ADEPA, from Argentina) and Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP, from Colombia).

According to an IFPIM statement released on Aug. 29, the selected organizations will use the funds for objectives such as strengthening their business models and financial resilience, promoting investigative journalism and supporting independent media. This investment seeks to support organizations that practice essential journalism and foster healthy and democratic news ecosystems.

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