
Investigative production company Dromómanos reports being targeted by fraud and starts crowdfunding campaign

The team of the Mexican investigative journalism production company Dromómanos, which covers topics throughout Latin America, denounced having been the victim of a financial fraud on May 3. The case occurred in Mexico, a country with one of the highest rates of cybercrime in Latin America, according to the company. A sum of one million pesos (US $ 56,000) was stolen, affecting the team's wages, employee payments and the operation for the next few months. In just 7 minutes, two unauthorized withdrawals were made from its bank account, interrupting 12 years of work, the complaint said.

Dromómanos said that, in order to recover the money, it will have to face a long bureaucratic process that could take months, maybe years. In view of this, the company decided to launch a crowdfunding campaign, with the aim of stabilizing its cash flow and being able to bear the costs necessary for its survival.

"This fraud is a deep moral and financial blow that could bankrupt us. It's a deep wound, but not a fatal one. They stole a million from us, but they didn't steal our conviction. With your help, we'll go back to doing journalism, like always, like an allergic reaction to a hostile environment," the Dromómanos team said on a crowdfunding site. "We need your help. This will not bring us down. We ask that you accompany us to continue standing. If you can: donate."

Read original article and access crowdfunding campaign (in Spanish)