
Journalist Luis Lopez arrested and charged with 'incitement to hatred' in La Guaira, Venezuela

"Relatives of journalist Luis López, detained on Friday, June 14 in [the Venezuelan state of] La Guaira while he was on his way to cover a protest, requested on Sunday [June 16] his unconditional release, as well as that of the rest of the political activists detained by the security forces.

[...] The journalist from the Vargas municipality was presented on Saturday before the Second Control Court, which ordered his imprisonment for the alleged crime of ‘incitement to hatred.’ He is being held at the headquarters of SEBIN [Bolivarian National Intelligence Service, by its Spanish acronym], known as ‘El Helicoide.’


The SNTP [Venezuela's National Union of Press Workers] also demanded the release of Luis López and demanded respect for due process in the case. The journalist has previously been attacked and threatened --both by public officials and private individuals-- on several occasions due to the exercise of his profession."

Read original article (in Spanish)