
Judge censors The Intercept Brazil story about murdered activists

  • Source: Abraji
  • September 18, 2023

"Judge George Alves de Assis, of the [Brazilian state of] Bahia's Court of Justice, ordered on Thursday (Sept. 14) the removal of a report published by The Intercept Brasil about the struggle of quilombo leaders [descendants of emancipated slave communities] Mãe Bernadete and her son, Binho.

[...] In the censored report, The Intercept Brasil provided context about the life of the quilombo leader and her community's struggle against companies operating in the region, including Naturalle, which is responsible for building a landfill on the border with the quilombo region, located in an Environmental Protection Area.

The action was initiatied by the businessman responsible of the company, Vitor Loureiro Souto, son of Bahia's former governor Paulo Souto. Vitor Loureiro Souto accused the digital media outlet of suggesting that his company was related to the leaders' deaths."

Read original article (in Portuguese)