“Kristian Uriel Zavala, reporter and director of digital media outlet Silaoense Mx, was murdered early Sunday morning [March 2] after gunmen aboard a motorcycle shot at the car in which he was traveling accompanied by another young man identified as Axel. According to initial reports, the vehicle Sentra model 2024 in which the two young men were traveling was found on the Silao-Romita highway [in the Mexican state of Guanajuato] with several gunshots to the windshield.
Unofficially it has been reported that the journalist had received support from the State Mechanism for the Protection of Journalists and Human Rights Defenders in 2021, after receiving threats. So far it has not been reported whether he maintained protection measures.
When Kristian Uriel's work became public, the State Attorney General's Office issued a message on social media saying that a forensic and operational team was appointed to clarify the crime and capture those responsible; however, they did not clarify if they are looking into his journalistic work as a line of investigation.”