
Mother of Peruvian journalist abducted

  • Source: DW
  • July 26, 2024

"The mother of a reporter from the Sunday program Panorama was abducted by unknown people who are trying to intimidate the journalist, who specializes in investigating cases of corruption, the local Panamericana Televisión of Peru reported this Thursday (July 25, 2024).

The media outlet noted in a statement that the abduction of journalist Iván Escudero's mother occurred in the Andean city of Huaraz, in the north of the country, and considered it a 'serious and reprehensible attack on press freedom' in Peru. It explained that the incident 'was perpetrated by two subjects with their faces hidden,' who blindfolded the woman and, 'violently, forced her to get into a van.'

'During her captivity, the victim received intimidation of various kinds and threats against our journalist. Finally, after several minutes of anguish, she was released in a place far from said city,' the outlet said."

Read original article (in Spanish)