
Newsrooms from 14 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean can apply for gender-based safety strategies program

The International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF) and UNESCO are leading the action “Safeguarding Women's Voices: Enhancing Gender-Sensitive Security Strategies”, with the objective of supporting media outlets in different regions, with a special focus on the Global South, to strengthen security policies and address gender-based threats. Media participating in the initiative will benefit from one-on-one consultations with security experts to identify an action plan for each newsroom, as well as receive guidance to develop, strengthen and monitor security protocols focused on gender-based threats, IWMF announced.

This opportunity is aimed exclusively at media organizations and newsrooms, not individual journalists. All types of media outlets are invited to participate, including print, television, radio, digital, magazine, non-profit and commercial. Eligible countries for this opportunity include Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Honduras, Mexico, Haiti, El Salvador, Ecuador, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil, Guatemala, Guyana, and Nicaragua, among others from other regions of the world.

The deadline to apply is Jan. 10. A total of 22 newsrooms will be selected by early February 2025.

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