
Nicaragua: Journalist critical of Daniel Ortega will pay fine with charity money

  • Source: EFE
  • May 7, 2021

"'From cordoba to cordoba,' this is how the journalist David Quintana, a critic of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, affirmed this Thursday [May 6] that he had collected 13,500 cordobas (about US $387), referring to the fine that he had to pay to the judiciary for the crime of injurias and slander, in a case branded as 'political' against the press.

The journalist, known for live broadcasting the 2018 anti-government protests, in which many protesters were killed in armed attacks by police and Sandinista groups, took 42 days to raise the money from Nicaraguan charity, after a second judge dismissed his appeal after he was convicted of interviewing a couple in a property dispute."

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