
Nicaraguan newspaper La Prensa dismisses more than half of its workers due to persecution from Daniel Ortega

"Drowned by the persecution of the Daniel Ortega regime, newspaper La Prensa, the largest and longest-lived newspaper in Nicaragua, announced on Wednesday [Sept. 15] the dismissal of more than half of its workers, personnel linked to the newsroom, finance, circulation, marketing, bodegas (warehouses) and printing press. Although the newspaper has not made public the number of dismissals, sources close to the media outlet have affirmed that there are around 110 collaborators —11 of them journalists—, who were notified through a internal communication. The dismissals, which represent 60 percent of the employees, occur 33 days after the Nicaraguan police took over the newsroom, detained its general manager, Juan Lorenzo Holmann, and authorities froze the newspaper's bank accounts."


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