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Ecuador's Fundamedios reports 'notable increase' in attacks on the press

"In June 2024, the exercise of freedom of expression and the press in Ecuador became more dangerous and violent, with a notable increase in attacks on media outlets. Fundamedios documented 21 attacks this month, an increase from May, raising the annual total to 119 attacks. This pattern reveals an escalation in violence and hostility towards […]

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Argentina president Milei turns government news agency Télam into ad agency

"The government of Javier Milei announced on Monday [July 1] he was converting the public news agency Télam into an advertising agency, under oversight of the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers. Through a decree published in the official gazette, Télam was converted into a 'State Advertising Agency Sole Proprietorship,' which will operate as an […]

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TV news crew attacked while covering police inspections near Santiago de Chile

“This Thursday [July 4th], a violent attack was reported against a news team that was covering an inspection of street vendors in San Bernardo. The incident occurred in the morning when the Canal 13 team was on-site and was allegedly attacked by the street vendors. This is how journalist Delfina Gómez narrated the incident live: […]

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Brazilian lawmaker sues journalist for reporting on alleged payments for favorable coverage

“Federal Deputy Julia Zanatta has filed civil and criminal lawsuits against journalist Amanda Miranda, who published a report showing the parliamentarian allegedly paid R $5,000 (US $912) to a newspaper in Tijucas [Santa Catarina, Brazil], which allegedly publishes only favorable news about the Bolsonaro supporter. The invoice cites ‘creation and distribution of content for the […]

Argentinian journalists accuse renowned journalist Pedro Brieger of 19 cases of alleged sexual harassment

“On Tuesday, the Periodistas Argentinas organization accused journalist Pedro Brieger of 19 episodes of sexual harassment, with victims including former colleagues and former students. Several of the accusers made public statements during a conference in the Senate. 'The case in question has a name and last name, but it can be seen reflected in other […]

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‘Gabo’ journalism festival to be held this weekend in Colombia with more than 170 speakers

“The Gabo Festival celebrates its 12th edition to highlight the best stories and creative expressions from Ibero-America and the world. From July 5 to July 7, this event organized annually by the Fundación Gabo will bring together more than 170 speakers in more than 140 sessions for all ages, focusing on journalism, art, literature, music, […]

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Peruvian congress president accuses journalist of violating his privacy 

“Alejandro Soto, President of the Congress of Peru, through the institution’s attorney, Manuel Eduardo Peña, has accused journalist José Miguel Hidalgo of América Televisión of disturbing the peace through surveillance [a crime in Peru related to gathering information and/or surveillance for the purpose of committing a crime]. The complaint is in response to a news […]

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UN says detention of Guatemalan journalist José Rubén Zamora is arbitrary and calls for his immediate release

"The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention considers that the detention of Guatemalan journalist José Rubén Zamora, held for more than 700 days in a military prison in Guatemala City, is arbitrary and violated six articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and therefore requests the Government of that country to adopt the […]

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Human rights commission calls on Colombia’s president to stop online attacks against journalists

“The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issued a statement advocating for freedom of the press and freedom of expression in Colombia, after President Gustavo Petro initiated a conflict with some journalists and the Foundation for Press Freedom (Flip). Specifically, the IACHR referred to the president's criticism of columnist and journalist María Ximena Duzán. 'States […]

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Haiti’s Ministry of Justice dismisses prosecutor allegedly involved in the murder of journalist Garry Tesse

"The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the Thursday [June 27] decision by Carlos Hercule, Haiti’s Minister of Justice and Public Security, to place Ronald Richemond, the federal prosecutor of the city of Les Cayes, on leave until further notice. CPJ has reported on allegations linking Richemond to the murder of Haitian radio journalist Garry Tesse […]