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Ecuadorian journalist Calixto Zambrano survives shooting

[...] “At about 7:30 p.m. on May 28, two unidentified men on a motorcycle approached [journalist Calixto] Zambrano as he was returning to his home in the western town of El Carmen, and one of the men pulled out a pistol and fired several shots. Two of the shots hit Zambrano as he ran away, […]

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GNI Startups Hub Hispanoamérica to help independent Spanish-speaking digital native media in Latin America

"Google News Initiative Startups Lab Hispanoamérica is an independent digital media accelerator in Spanish that will support the development of journalistic ventures and promote the personal growth of its members. During the program, digital media will create strategies to strengthen their business models, expand knowledge about their audiences, and innovate in working with their teams. […]

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Former Peruvian presidential candidate sues journalist for US $26 million

"[In Peru], former presidential candidate and leader of the Alliance for Progress (APP, for its acronym in Spanish), César Acuña, sued the journalist and author of the book 'Plata como cancha,' Christopher Acosta, for alleged defamation. Likewise, he demanded the payment of civil compensation of 100,000,000 soles (about US $26 million) for allegedly having 'damaged […]

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Criminal complaints filed against journalists in Guatemala after publication on public interest case

“Journalists Marvin del Cid and Sonny Figueroa were denounced on May 21 by María Luisa Morales Gatica de Martínez and Claudia Ivonne Martinez Morales de Girón because of a journalistic investigation into the luxury properties that relatives of the former director of the Center of Government, Luis Miguel Martínez Morales, occupied during his tenure and […]

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CAPIR calls on local media and independent journalists from Venezuela for investigative journalism project

"The Consortium to Support Journalism in the Region (CAPIR, for its acronym in Spanish) calls on independent local media and independent journalists from Venezuela to participate in a national or local journalistic investigative project that will be carried out between July and December 2021. You can submit more than one proposal per media outlet, group […]

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Venezuelan journalist Martí Hurtado and his wife released after temporary arrest

"Venezuelan journalist Martí Hurtado and his wife, Nelly Pulgar, were released on Saturday night (May 29), after they were arrested on Friday and detained at a police headquarters in the city of Coro, as reported by the National Union of Press Workers of Venezuela (SNTP, for its acronym in Spanish). […] The couple 'were accused […]

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U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detains Honduran journalist fleeing violence

"The freedom of expression organization of Honduras C-Libre reported that journalist and human rights activist Thirzia Galeas was detained at the Atlanta airport while requesting political asylum. Sunday [May] 23, Galeas entered the country with her tourist visa and asked for asylum upon arrival due to the persecution suffered by her organization. Her family and […]

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IAPA says it's 'positive' that Ecuadoran president wants to repeal current 'gag law'

"The Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) called it 'positive,' that the new president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, sent to the National Assembly a project that seeks to repeal the Communication Law of 2013, considered a 'gag law.' 'We are confident that, from now on, the new government will eliminate the legal mechanisms created to silence the […]

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Luz Mely Reyes y José Luis Sanz ganan el LASA Media Award

Luz Mely Reyes, directora y cofundadora del medio digital venezolano Efecto Cocuyo, y José Luis Sanz, corresponsal en Washington del sitio web salvadoreño El Faro, son los ganadores del LASA Media Award 2021 de la Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos (LASA en las siglas en inglés). María Teresa Ronderos, cofundadora y directora del Centro Latinoamericano de […]