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Luz Mely Reyes y José Luis Sanz ganan el LASA Media Award

Luz Mely Reyes, directora y cofundadora del medio digital venezolano Efecto Cocuyo, y José Luis Sanz, corresponsal en Washington del sitio salvadoreño El Faro, son los ganadores del Premio de Medios 2021 de la Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos (LASA). María Teresa Ronderos, cofundadora y directora del Centro Latinoamericano de Investigación Periodística (CLIP) recibió una mención […]

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Luz Mely Reyes and José Luis Sanz win LASA Media Award

Luz Mely Reyes, director and co-founder of Venezuelan digital media outlet Efecto Cocuyo, and José Luis Sanz, Washington correspondent, of Salvadoran site El Faro, are the winners of the 2021 Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Media Award. María Teresa Ronderos, co-founder and director of Latin American Center for Investigative Journalism (CLIP) received an honorable mention. "The LASA […]

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ICFJ Knight International Journalism Award to honor Brazilian fact-checker

"The International Center for Journalists will present its 2021 ICFJ Knight International Journalism Awards to Natália Leal, a Brazilian fact-checker who debunked deadly misinformation in that pandemic-ravaged country, and to Pavla Holcová, a Czech reporter who courageously carried on an investigation after the murder of a fellow journalist. Leal is the head of content at […]

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ICFJ Knight International Journalism Award to honor Brazilian fact-checker

"The International Center for Journalists will present its 2021 ICFJ Knight International Journalism Awards to Natália Leal, a Brazilian fact-checker who debunked deadly misinformation in that pandemic-ravaged country, and to Pavla Holcová, a Czech reporter who courageously carried on an investigation after the murder of a fellow journalist. Leal is the head of content at […]

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Ecuadorian media outlet GK and Carlos F. Chamorro of Nicaragua are winners of the 2021 Ortega y Gasset Awards

"The Ortega y Gasset Journalism Awards, the most prestigious in Spanish journalism, announced winners for its 38th edition. [...] The award-winning journalists were Isabela Ponce of Ecuador; Mariano Zafra, Javier Salas and photographer Brais Lorenzo of Spain; and Carlos Fernando Chamorro of Nicaragua. [...] The Ortega y Gasset Awards, created in 1984 by EL PAÍS […]

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Nicaragua: Prosecutor's office cites former director of 100% Noticias, director of Corporación, and Univisión correspondent for 'laundering'

"The owner and director of Radio Corporación, Fabio Gadea Mantilla; former executive director of the assaulted channel 100% Noticias, Verónica Chávez; and journalist María Lilly Delgado, Univisión correspondent, were summoned by the public prosecutor to be 'interviewed,' in the case for the alleged crime of 'money and asset laundering,' which was opened against Cristiana Chamorro […]

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CAinfo registered 49 cases of threats to freedom of expression in the last year in Uruguay

"In the last year, 49 cases of threats to the freedom of expression of journalists were registered in Uruguay, according to the seventh monitoring report carried out by the Center for Archives and Access to Public Information (CAinfo, for its acronym in Spanish). This is the highest number of cases since the study began, following […]

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Ecuador: During Lenín Moreno's government, 1,702 journalists and media were attacked

“The Andean Foundation for the Observation and Study of the Media (Fundamedios, for its acronym in Spanish) registered a total of 793 attacks against journalists, media outlets, citizens or activists during Lenín Moreno's government. These attacks add up to a total of 1,702 journalists and media who were violated in their right to freedom of […]