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Colombia's Revista Cambio denounces extortion following publication of journalistic investigation

In an editorial published this Sunday, May 5, Colombian magazine Cambio announced a case of extortion and cyber attacks against it, allegedly by “an international network that defrauds cancer patients” and whose objective is to “erase a journalistic investigation that exposes them.” As reported, the story began on July 17, 2023 when an investigation was […]

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IACHR Special Rapporteur warns about press freedom situation in Haiti and urges adoption of assistance measures for journalists

“On World Press Freedom Day, the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (SRFOE) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) reiterates its concern for the grave situation of journalists in Haiti, a country that currently faces the greatest challenges to press freedom in the hemisphere. This Office urges the Presidential Transitional […]

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Political pressure increasingly endangers journalists in the Americas, RSF index reveals

"In the 2024 World Press Freedom Index, more than half the countries in the Americas region have seen their situation deteriorate, particularly due to the fall in the political indicator. More and more politicians are stigmatizing journalists and the media in their speeches. On top of this, political actors employ disinformation campaigns, abusive prosecutions and […]

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President of Chile harshly rebuked for case of Francisca Sandoval, journalist murdered in Santiago in 2022

"This Friday, May 3, the president [of Chile] Gabriel Boric led the inauguration of the 31st World Press Freedom Day Conference at the Gabriela Mistral Cultural Center. During his speech, two of the attendees rebuked him, remembering the case of Francisca Sandoval, a reporter for Diseño 3 de La Victoria, murdered on May 1, 2022 […]

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Palestinian journalists covering Gaza war win UNESCO press freedom prize

"The Palestinian journalists who have been covering the devastating war in Gaza were named winners of the UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize on Thursday [May 2nd]. The top award for reporters who have born witness to the destruction of much of their homeland under Israel’s relentless bombardment came at the recommendation of an international […]

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Global press organizations sign Santiago +30 Declaration for consolidating free expression

“On the morning of Thursday, May 2, the Santiago-Chile 2024 International Media Meeting was held, an event in which the National Press Association (ANP, for its acronym in Spanish) [of Chile] served as host along with the Catholic University. The main press organizations at a global level, such as the World Association of News Publishers […]

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Relatives of murdered journalists denounce threats by senior official during protest in Veracruz, Mexico

“Through social networks, it was reported in Xalapa, Veracruz, that relatives of murdered journalists have been subjected to threats by a senior state official. The director of Regional Policy of the Ministry of the Interior of Veracruz, Héctor Eduardo Ciprian Méndez, is accused of intimidating family members during a public event in Plaza Lerdo. Jorge […]

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CPJ urges Argentine President Javier Milei to end attacks on press freedom

“Argentine President Javier Milei and his administration must immediately refrain from attacking press freedom, stigmatizing journalists, and allow journalists to do their jobs freely and without restrictions, the Committee to Protect Journalists said on Tuesday. During his first 100 days in office, a report by FOPEA, a local press freedom organization, found that four out […]

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Colombia: Former deputy director of defunct intelligence department sentenced for psychological torture of journalist Claudia Duque

“This Tuesday [April 30] the Tenth Criminal Court of the Specialized Circuit of Bogotá convicted former deputy director of the DAS [defunct Colombian intelligence department], Emiro Rojas Granados, and former agent Néstor Javier Pachón Bermúdez for illegal surveillance and harassment, which amounted to aggravated torture of journalist Claudia Julieta Duque Orrego. According to the 226-page […]

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Mexico: Journalists protest in Morelos against murder of communicator Roberto Figueroa

“Fifty journalists from Morelos [Mexico] demonstrated at the wreath for the victims of violence, which is at one of the entrances to the state palace, to condemn the illegal deprivation of liberty and murder of the communicator and internet content producer Roberto Figueroa Bustos. In this act of protest, Jaime Luis Brito, correspondent for Proceso, […]