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Former director of Colombia's defunct intelligence department denies responsibility in journalist case

“This week, the Tenth Specialized Criminal Court of Bogotá continued the public trial hearing against the former director of the Administrative Department of Security (DAS, for its acronym in Spanish), José Miguel Narváez, for crimes against humanity perpetrated against Claudia Julieta Duque. During the hearing, the accused rejected his responsibility as the main person implicated […]

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Sexual harassment scandal in Paraguayan television ended with victory for journalist Angie Prieto

“The Paraguayan justice system ruled in favor of the presenter [Angie Prieto], who had been fired and sued for private criticism in the WhatsApp group 'Yo te creo' (I believe you) about business management due to complaints of sexual harassment in the company. The Network of Women Journalists and Communicators of Paraguay considers it a […]

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Nicaraguan journalist marks one year in prison

"Nicaraguan journalist Victor Ticay, imprisoned by the government of President Daniel Ortega after covering a religious activity, marked one year in prison on April 6 amid demands from organizations that defend press freedom that he be released. Ticay, originally from Nandaime, a city located about 70 kilometers south of Managua, was arrested on April 6, […]

International community expresses solidarity with Peruvian journalist Gustavo Gorriti after prosecutor's office opens investigation

"The Peruvian Prosecutor's Office has opened an investigation against the prosecutors of the Lava Jato Special Team, Rafael Vela and José Domingo Pérez, and journalist Gustavo Gorriti and has ordered them to hand over the phones used between Jan. 2016 and April 2021, in a full investigation of the Odebrecht case in that country. The […]

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Severance payment ordered for former employees of defunct newspaper El Nacional de Machala, in Ecuador

"In August 2023, newspaper El Nacional of [the southern Ecuadoran city] Machala, founded in 1964, ceased publication. After the closure of the newspaper, 27 former employees and retired workers did not receive their severance payments, nor answers from the shareholders. Now, with a ruling of the [regulatory body] Superintendency of Companies, the company that owned […]

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UN rapporteurs ask Brazil to drop charges against journalist Schirlei Alves

"A letter sent by UN women rapporteurs to the Brazilian State calls for measures to protect women journalists who cover cases of sexual crimes and denounces the conviction of reporter Schirlei Alves. For them, the defamation proceedings against the journalist need to be annulled. Schirlei Alves was sentenced in the first instance to one year […]

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Brazilian State asks for official pardon for Clarice Herzog, widow of Vladimir who fought for justice for journalist murdered during dictatorship

"This Wednesday (April 3), the Amnesty Committee of the Chamber of Deputies in Brasília unanimously approved the recognition of Clarice Herzog as a political amnesty. The widow of journalist Vladimir Herzog, tortured and killed on Oct. 25, 1975 by agents of the former DOI-CODI (Department of Information Operations - Center for Internal Defense Operations) in […]

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Call open for Roche Prize for Health Journalism 2024

“In 2024, the Roche Prize for Health Journalism returns to celebrate the best stories and coverage focused on health and science issues from Latin America, Spain and the United States, in Spanish and Portuguese. [...] The call for this twelfth edition will be open until Monday, June 10, 2024, but the recommendation is not to […]

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Brazil: Court upholds censorship of Agência Pública report on federal deputy

“Seven months ago, Agência Pública was forced by the court to withdraw a report published in June 2023 about the president of the [Brazilian] Chamber of Deputies Arthur Lira. [...] This Wednesday, April 3, the 6th Civil Chamber of the Court of Justice of the Federal District and the Territories judged on the merits of […]

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IACHR seeks respondents for survey about exile of journalists from the Americas

"The Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) will prepare a report on the growing exile of journalists in the Americas, highlighting its impact on the right to freedom of expression and press, access to public information and democracy. The objective of this report is […]