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Colombia: Journalist requested protection after Clan del Golfo threats

"Journalist Alberto Henao Peralta denounced a series of threats by members of the Clan del Golfo [an armed narco-paramilitary group in Colombia]. In a video, spread through the X account of Paloma Valencia [Colombian lawyer and senator], the journalist from Sucre indicated that he has had to leave his territory for fear of these threats. […]

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IAPA calls for entries for Excellence in Journalism 2024 contest

"The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) is calling media professionals from North America, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Spain to participate in its Excellence in Journalism 2024 contest. Only journalistic pieces actually published between June 1, 2023, and May 31, 2024 in a daily newspaper, weekly, magazine, news agency, online publication or radio and television […]

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UPDATE: Michael Díaz, journalist who disappeared in Quintana Roo, Mexico, found alive

UPDATED: "Michael Antony Diaz Windsor, general director of the media outlet Periodismo QR, was found alive two days after being reported missing. Through its official channels, the State Attorney General's Office of Quintana Roo [Mexico] reported that during this period his life was not at risk and ruled out that his absence was linked to […]

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Association of Journalists of El Salvador reports 173 aggressions against press on election day

The Association of Journalists of El Salvador (APES, for its acronym in Spanish) reported 173 aggressions against members of the press during the presidential and legislative elections of Sunday, Feb. 4 in that country. According to a statement published by the association on social media on Monday, most of these incidents occurred before the opening […]

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Journalist's vehicle set on fire in Tijuana, Mexico, after she denounced attack from mayor

"The vehicle of journalist Yolanda Caballero Jacobo was attacked in Tijuana, in the state of Baja California, [on Feb. 1] while she was reporting on the damage caused by the rains in the Loma Dorada neighborhood of that city. Local media have reported that unknown individuals threw bottles of gasoline into the van, set it […]

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Guatemalan judge sentences three police officers for illegally detaining journalist in 2014

“A criminal judge in Guatemala found three members of the National Civil Police (PNC, for its acronym in Spanish) guilty this Wednesday [Jan. 31] for the illegal detention of journalist Norma Sancir in 2014. The sentencing judge Jorge Ochoa, of the department (province) of Chiquimula, about 155 miles from Guatemala City, convicted the three police […]

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Mexican leak of journalists' personal data raises security worries

"The theft of the personal data of hundreds of journalists in Mexico, including addresses and copies of voter ID cards and passports, has raised fresh safety concerns in one of the most dangerous countries in the world for media professionals. After media reports, Mexican authorities on Monday [Jan. 29] said government computers were hacked on […]

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Argentina honors memory of photojournalist José Luis Cabezas 'to highlight and protect journalism'

“Since 1997, Jan. 25th has never been the same. José Luis Cabezas, photojournalist for the Perfil editorial group, was murdered by a group of hitmen, made up of guards, criminals and agents of the Buenos Aires Police on behalf of the powerful postal businessman Alfredo Yabrán. Cabezas had focused on the unknown face of the […]

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Peruvian National Police announce legal actions against newspaper La República for publishing cartoon critical of the institution

“On Jan. 30, 2024, the Peruvian National Police issued a statement rejecting a caricature by comedian Carlos Tovar 'Carlín,' published in the newspaper La República, and that criticizes the institution showing three police officers, describing two as them as 'criminals.' […] The letter announces that in light of the incident, the attorney general's office in […]

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Colombian State to apologize for murder of journalist and director of El Espectador, Guillermo Cano Isaza

In an event scheduled for Feb. 9, Journalist's Day in Colombia, the State will admit its responsibility in the assassination of the journalist and director of the newspaper El Espectador, Guillermo Cano Isaza. Cano Isaaza was murdered on Dec. 17, 1986 by order of then-head of the Medellín cartel, Pablo Escobar, due to the journalist's […]