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Civil society organization announces survey on gender violence in journalism in Latin America

The civil association Communication for Equality is conducting an investigation into “the existence of gender violence protocols in the media in Latin America.” It is inviting journalists who work in media in the region to answer 20 questions on the topic. The project is supported by UNESCO's International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) […]

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Fewer journalists murdered, but violence against the press is 'worrisome' in Mexico

"Mexico closes 2023 with five murders of journalists but, despite the drop in these aggressions compared to last year, when thirteen murders against journalists were recorded, the problem continues to be 'worrisome,' Article 19 told EFE. 'Mexico should not have a single journalist murdered, it is outrageous for a journalist's life (woman or man) to […]

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IAPA condemns murders of two journalists in Guatemala

"The Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) condemned the murder of two journalists in Guatemala and urged authorities to conduct a thorough investigation to determine the motive behind both crimes, identify the perpetrators, and bring them to justice. [...] On Dec. 21, around 5:30 am, radio host and journalist César Augusto Leiva Pimentel, from La Red radio, […]

Digging into the reality of internet shutdowns in the Americas: An insidious threat

“The use of internet shutdowns by authoritarian regimes has emerged globally as a serious threat to freedom of expression. While commonly seen as rare in Latin America, a closer look reveals a different reality. Organisations and experts are increasingly noting various nuances and contexts in methods to interfere with internet access that are important to understand in order to identify and […]

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Prediction for 2024: Journalism refuses to die in Latin America (despite everything)

"In 2022, Latin America was the most dangerous region in the world to practice journalism. According to different NGO data, between 30 and 42 journalists were killed in that year. Although there are still no official figures for 2023, the picture is not very different: UNESCO states that 69 journalists from ten countries were killed […]

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Venezuelan journalist among winners of Franco-German Prize for Human Rights and the Rule of Law 2023

"Venezuelan journalist and executive director of the Press and Society Institute of Venezuela (Ipys-Venezuela), Marianela Balbi, is one of the 12 people in the world to receive the 2023 Franco-German Prize for Human Rights and the Rule of Law. The governments of Germany and France announced the list of those who will receive this award, […]

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Haiti: Journalist missing and broadcaster held hostage for 12 days

"Two recent cases in Port-au-Prince, the capital city, are causing concern and alarm in Haitian media. Last Friday, the disappearance of journalist Barnatte Daniel from Regard FM was reported. At the same time, Radio Scoop FM presenter Pierre-Fils Saintamour was kidnapped at the end of November and later released on December 8, according to information gathered […]

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Guyana Press Association calls for investigation after shooting attack against journalist Travis Chase

"The Guyana Press Association (GPA) is calling for a thorough investigation into the shooting that targeted journalist Travis Chase. According to the association, Chase recounted that he was shot at on Monday night [Dec. 11] by an unknown gunman. It notes this is not the first time Chase has been targeted by unknown persons. In […]

One year after shooting against Mexican journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva, there are no convictions or leads on the mastermind

"On Dec. 15, 2022, Ciro Gómez Leyva was driving home after a day of work. The journalist, one of the most popular in Mexico, had just finished presenting the evening news on Imagen TV network. He was driving through Coyoacán Avenue, south of Mexico City, when a motorcycle with two people passed him. One of […]

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Article 19 Mexico denounces defamation campaign against journalist Reyna Haydee for questioning AMLO in Mexico

Article 19 Mexico denounced a smear campaign against independent journalist Reyna Haydee Ramírez in response to her questioning of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador during his morning press conference on Dec. 13. According to the freedom of expression organization, the journalist received a series of coordinated digital attacks after her questions to the president. […]