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Bolivian Ombudsman's Office urges authorities to solve recent attacks on journalists

“The Bolivian Ombudsman's Office asked the authorities this Wednesday [Sept. 20] to solve three recent cases of attacks against journalists in the cities of Oruro, La Paz and Santa Cruz and to guarantee freedom of the press and free expression. The Ombudsman's Office indicated that its intervention seeks to ensure that 'the corresponding authorities identify […]

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Colombia: Two local media outlets end news programs due to threats from criminal gangs

“Local stations Mundo 89 FM and La Voz de los Robles 14.90 AM from the Colombian city of Tuluá, in the department of Valle del Cauca, in the southwestern part of the country, turned off the microphones of their news programs due to the difficult situation of violence that people in Tuluá are experiencing. A […]

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Brazil: Court imposes censorship on Agência Pública's story on congressman

"Agência Pública was notified on Monday (Sept. 18) of a preliminary decision imposing censorship on a story about the Speaker of the House and congressman, Arthur Lira. The decision ordering the withdrawal of the story was issued by Judge Alfeu Gonzaga Machado, of the 6th Civil Chamber of the Court of Justice of the Federal […]

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Man shoots at radio station in Jamaica, no one is hurt

“A gunman opened fire in the parking lot of Nationwide Radio’s Kingston offices, fortunately hurting nobody. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) unequivocally condemns this cowardly act of violence and calls on the authorities to thoroughly investigate. Nationwide Deputy Executive Editor first reported the attack as a breaking news item on the afternoon of September 8, 2023. […]

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Cuban journalist Henry Constantín released without charge after being detained during G77+China summit

"Independent journalist Henry Constantín Ferreiro announced on his social media accounts that he was released on Tuesday [Sept. 19], after five days in the El Vivac detention center in Havana. The journalist from Camagüey was detained in the Cuban capital last Friday, on the occasion of the G77+China Summit, which gathered in that city numerous […]

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Colombia: Prosecutor's Office summons former president for slander against journalist

"The Colombian Prosecutor's Office summoned former president Álvaro Uribe on Sept. 27 to 'inform him of the charges' of an investigation for the crime of aggravated slander against journalist Daniel Coronell, it was reported on Saturday [Sept. 16]. After analyzing a forestalling request of the slander investigation against Uribe, the Prosecutor's Office concluded there was […]

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IAPA Demands the Immediate Release of Cuban Journalist Henry Constantín

"The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) condemned the Cuban regime's arbitrary detention of journalist Henry Constantín Ferreiro and demanded his immediate release. It marks the second time this month that the journalist has been detained. Constantín Ferreiro, the director of La Hora de Cuba magazine in Camagüey, was arrested on September 15 by the Cuban political police, […]

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Judge censors The Intercept Brazil story about murdered activists

"Judge George Alves de Assis, of the [Brazilian state of] Bahia's Court of Justice, ordered on Thursday (Sept. 14) the removal of a report published by The Intercept Brasil about the struggle of quilombo leaders [descendants of emancipated slave communities] Mãe Bernadete and her son, Binho. [...] In the censored report, The Intercept Brasil provided context […]

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Independent journalists are arrested and interrogated at G77+China Summit in Cuba

"Independent digital magazine La Hora de Cuba denounced the arrest of its editor, Henry Constantin Ferreiro, who was intercepted by State Security in Havana in the midst of the G77+China Summit, while another journalist was summoned for questioning on Sunday [Sept. 17] at a police station in [the municipality of] Marianao. 'Henry [Ferreiro] is currently […]

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Death threats against journalists doubled in Ecuador

"Death threats against journalists doubled in Ecuador, this amid the growing wave of violence that is sweeping this Latin American country. According to organizations that defend freedom of the press, death threats doubled compared to 2021 and 2022, when there were between eight and seven. For the year 2023, exactly between January and August, there […]