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Nicaragua: Journalist arrested for covering Catholic Church march sentenced to eight years in prison

"Nicaraguan journalist Víctor Ticay, arrested during Holy Week after covering a religious activity of the Catholic Church, was sentenced to eight years in prison, family sources told Voice of America who in turn asked not to be identified. Ticay was convicted of treason and false news. For the first charge, the reporter was sentenced to […]

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Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro sentenced to pay fine for attacks on the press

"The former president [of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro] was convicted by the 4th Chamber of Private Law of the São Paulo Court of Justice for 175 attacks against the press. The public civil action was brought by the Union of Journalists of the State of São Paulo. The fine is R $50,000 [about US $10,000]. Bolsonaro […]

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Brazil: Police aim gun at journalist during raid coverage

"The edition [of the Brazilian TV journalism program] Profissão Repórter [profession reporter] this Tuesday, Aug. 15 tackled the issue of police lethality. Reporter Danielle Zampollo went to the community of Prainha, in Guarujá [in the state of São Paulo], to find out more about the deaths in Operation Escudo, which has left 16 dead, 12 […]

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Alleged killer of Mexican journalist Gregorio Jiménez arrested and sent to prison for 2014 crime

"A little over nine years after the murder of journalist Gregorio Jiménez de la Cruz in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, the Attorney General's Office (FGR) confirmed the arrest and formal imprisonment of another one of the alleged perpetrators. His name is Josué 'N' alias El Celaya, who was arrested by federal authorities in Sonora. [...] Goyo, as […]

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FLIP denounces that due to failures in investigation by Colombian Prosecutor's Office, an accomplice in murder of journalist was acquitted

"On Aug. 2, the Superior Criminal Court of Florencia, [department of] Caquetá, confirmed the acquittal of a person linked to the murder of journalist Luis Peralta and his wife, Sofía Quintero. This decision stems from the unjustified delays and ineffectiveness of the Attorney General's Office, which, despite having various pieces of evidence, failed to structure […]

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Nicaraguan journalist becomes first immigrant editor of The Miami Herald

"Nicaraguan Alex Mena, who came to the United States at the age of 11, became this Monday [Aug. 14] the first immigrant CEO of two of Florida's leading newspapers, The Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald, the latter in Spanish, both dailies reported. 'Today is the day when somebody’s immigrant American Dream comes true. And […]

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Bolivia: Journalist suffered beating, phone theft and death threats

"Daniela Valdez, a journalist from Sucre [Bolivia], suffered beatings to her face, attempted strangulation, death threats, theft of a wedding ring and her work equipment when she was attacked by a mob while she was recording the detention of officials in a municipal office. As a result of the aggression and injuries to her face, […]

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Honduran independent news outlet Reportar Sin Miedo denounces threats and harassment after investigative stories

The team of the independent news outlet Reportar Sin Miedo, from Honduras, denounced on Aug. 11 that they have been victims of attacks and threats on social media after the publication of the series of stories "Los Secretos de Próspera," which exposes information about Honduras' project of special administrative divisions known as ZEDE [Employment and […]

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Two journalists were shot dead in Retalhuleu, Guatemala

"Guatemala's National Civil Police (PNC, by its acronym in Spanish) has reported that two journalists were killed on Friday night [Aug. 11] in the department of Retalhuleu [Guatemala] after being attacked with firearms, according to the Guatemalan newspaper La Hora. A preliminary police report revealed that the two journalists were on their way home, located […]

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Alert in La Guajira, Colombia, due to threats to journalists amidst election campaigns

"Authorities of the municipality of Barrancas (Guajira, Colombia) are investigating threats against five media workers, which would be linked to political debate, according to what was mentioned on a flyer in the name of 'Our armed organization of La Guajira for the good of the citizens.' The threatened journalists are Bonato Solano, Astor Alarcón Fonseca, […]