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Guatemalan Public Prosecutor's Office requested to extend investigation to journalists and independent media in case of José Rubén Zamora

"In the hearing where the president of elPeriódico, José Ruben Zamora, was indicted for a second case in which he is accused of conspiracy to obstruct justice, the Public Prosecutor's Office requested that the investigation be extended to journalists and independent news outlets. It argues that their publications hindered the work of the Public Prosecutor's […]

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IACHR Asks Inter-American Court to grant temporary measures in favor of radio La Costeñísima team in Nicaragua

“The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) asked the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on Feb. 22, 2023, to grant temporary measures in favor of the team of journalists at the radio station La Costeñísima in Nicaragua's South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region, as well as their families. The IACHR believes they all face an extremely […]

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IAPA to award scholarships to journalists interested in online press freedom course

"The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) is calling journalists from the Americas to apply for a scholarship for the next edition of the Diploma in Freedom of Expression for Journalists. The course, which will begin on Mar. 21, is part of the activities of the IAPA's Chapultepec Index on Freedom of Expression and the Press. […]

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Venezuela: Journalist's family threatened after book publication

"Family members of Venezuelan journalist Ronna Rísquez were threatened on social media, denounced the NGO Espacio Público. On their Twitter account, they pointed out that these actions of intimidation against eight of her relatives occurred at the end of this past January when the renowned investigative journalist spoke about a book she wrote. 'They received […]

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Guatemala: Attorney of elPeriódico's president, José Rubén Zamora, is convicted of obstruction of justice in journalist's case

"The Tenth Court of First Criminal Instance [of Guatemala] convicted this Tuesday, Feb. 21, attorney Mario Castañeda, who defended the president of the newspaper elPeriódico, José Rubén Zamora. [...] Judge Jimmi Bremmer issued a three-year commuted prison sentence against the lawyer for the crime of conspiracy to obstruct justice. [...] The head of the Special […]

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Mexico: Article 19 warns about company that charges for removing public interest journalistic investigations from the web

"On Feb. 17, Forbidden Stories and a media conglomerate, including OCCRP [Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project], published a series of investigative reports exposing the abuses and illegalities of the Spanish company ELIMINALIA. The company's services focus on aiding politicians and journalists to remove or de-index from any digital platform, web host or search engine, […]

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IACHR Announces Calendar of Hearings for 186th Period of Sessions

"The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has published the calendar of public hearings that will take place as part of the 183rd Period of Sessions, to be held in person from March 6–10, 2023, at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), in the United States. During the period of sessions, several promotional events […]

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Brazil: Estadão reporters assaulted while covering tragedy due to heavy rains in São Sebastião

"A group of residents of the luxury condominium Vila de Anoman, in Maresias, São Sebastião, Brazil physically assaulted with swear words a reporter of [newspaper] Estadão who was covering the tragedy [caused by a storm] on the northern coast of São Paulo. One of them forced the photo reporter Tiago Queiroz to delete pictures he […]

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Peru: Extremists go to journalist's home to harass her

"On Feb. 21, 2023, members of the extreme right-wing group La Resistencia managed to locate the current home of journalist Rosa María Palacios to stand outside and hurl insults and slander against her. This has been happening in Lima, in a strategy of harassment against journalists that the radical group considers its enemies. Rosa María […]

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Julia Gavarrete, from El Salvador, and Martín Caparros, from Argentina, among the winners of the Ortega y Gasset Awards

"The media El Faro and La Vanguardia, the photojournalist Santi Palacios and the writer and journalist Martín Caparrós have been the winners of the 40th edition of the Ortega y Gasset Journalism Awards, as announced by the jury, meeting this Wednesday at the headquarters of El País in Madrid. The Ortega y Gasset award in […]