
Paraguay: I/A Court to deliberate on murder case of journalist Santiago Leguizamón

"The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, in its 154th Regular Period of Sessions, will deliberate for sentencing in the cases of Santiago Leguizamón and former prosecutor Alejandro Nissen Pessolani.

In the case of journalist Santiago Leguizamón, after years without a response or justice, the complaint against the Paraguayan State in the case was presented to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in 2007.


The communicator, host of the morning radio program Puertas abiertas (Open doors), on Radio Mburucuyá, and correspondent for the newspaper Noticias, was assassinated in Pedro Juan Caballero, on April 26, 1991, Journalist's Day in Paraguay. The press professional was known for his investigations of corruption cases."


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