
President of Argentina lashes out at press again and defends online attacks against journalists

“[Argentine] President Javier Milei attacked the press again on Friday [Aug. 16] and defended attacks against journalists by his followers on social media. 'Freedom of expression is for everyone and not just for journalists,' Milei said in an extensive post on social media.

'Deep down [journalists are] very brave for slandering, but very weak when receiving responses. They are very hard and ruthless when they judge, and are crybabies when it's their turn to temporarily face some of the savagery they have imposed on others. Deep down they do not like to get even a little taste of their own medicine,' the president said. Since the beginning of his administration, Milei has had a tense relationship with the press.


'I never imagined seeing them [journalists] so opposed to freedom of expression, crying censorship every time they are criticized for a fact that shows them to be liars [...],' he said.”

Read original article (in Spanish)