
Project Data Against Feminicide offers webinar about the narratives, challenges and responsibilities of the media

"What is the role of news media in the struggle against feminicide? Media coverage of feminicide is essential to make gender-based violence visible and challenge it. Based on the prior research and community building of Data Against Feminicide, we know that a large number of activists produce data from press monitoring. But beyond data, the media is a crucial way to disseminate information, raise awareness and influence norms and public culture.


In this conversation, we will explore the narratives, challenges and responsibilities of the media in reporting on human rights abuses, with panelists who have approached the media coverage of feminicide from activism, journalism and academia. We will learn more about what the recommended best practices are, and we will think about what strategies we can develop to facilitate their adoption.

This gathering is especially relevant for journalists or communication professionals interested in gender-related violence and feminicide, and for the community of activists and organizations who produce feminicide data by monitoring the media for their projects."

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