“On Jan. 13, Mabel Calderín, wife of Espacio Público director Carlos Correa, who was arrested on Jan. 7, went to the national headquarters of Venezuela's Ombudsman Office, in the center of Caracas, to demand that the head of that office, Alfredo Ruiz, act in the face of what Calderín and spokespersons of human rights organizations have called a forced disappearance.
Calderín expressed concern for the health of her husband, who requires treatment for various diseases. [...] Spokespersons and representatives of various human rights organizations accompanied Calderín to the Ombudsman's Office on Monday. Raúl Cubas, co-founder of the NGO Provea, expressed his concern for what he considers to be a state pattern of forced disappearances.
So far, there has been no official statement from Venezuelan government authorities regarding the detention and disappearance of Correa, who was intercepted in downtown Caracas on Tuesday, Jan. 7, by unidentified persons, dressed in black suits, hooded and in cars without license plates, according to what Calderín said recently when she went to the Palace of Justice to introduce habeas corpus and demand the whereabouts of Correa.”