
Relatives of murdered journalists denounce threats by senior official during protest in Veracruz, Mexico

“Through social networks, it was reported in Xalapa, Veracruz, that relatives of murdered journalists have been subjected to threats by a senior state official.

The director of Regional Policy of the Ministry of the Interior of Veracruz, Héctor Eduardo Ciprian Méndez, is accused of intimidating family members during a public event in Plaza Lerdo.

Jorge Sánchez, son of murdered journalist Moisés Sánchez, narrated the incident in an interview shared through the X account of Noticias 'La Fuente.'

According to Sánchez, Ciprian demanded that they stop their demonstrations, describing them as an unacceptable 'performance.' 'He threatened me because we were doing various activities here.'

In addition, he shared the reaction of Governor Cuitláhuac García Jiménez when he was informed of the event just as he was passing by: 'yes, I just saw it.'"

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